How Long Does it Take to Settle a Pedestrian Accident Claim?

When drivers are not careful, especially in parking lots, parking garages, and traffic intersections, they may inadvertently cause a pedestrian…

Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right of Way?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were unsure about who had the right of way –…

​What Are the Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?

Pedestrian accidents, including those on sidewalks and within intersection crosswalks, typically result from driver carelessness and negligence. When a driver…

Do I Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney?

If you are the victim of a pedestrian accident, you may wonder, “Do I need a pedestrian accident attorney?” There…

2023 College-Aged Driving Safety Survey: Are Younger Drivers More Dangerous?

Are Florida’s College Kids Bad Drivers? Younger drivers often get a bad reputation as more dangerous than their older counterparts,…

​What Are Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries?

Walking is a healthy, eco-friendly activity that becomes riskier all the time. Thousands of Americans lose their lives or suffer…