Tow Truck Accidents

When you think of a tow truck, you might think of a driver and vehicle who has come to help…

How Long Does It Take to Settle a Semi-Truck Accident Case?

You deserve compensation if you or someone you love recently suffered injuries in a truck accident due to another party’s…

How Can Your Lawyer Preserve Evidence for a Truck Accident Claim?

Semi-trucks, commercial trucks, 18-wheelers, or tractor-trailers—no matter what you call them, are dangerous to everyone on the road. When fully…

Why Blind Spots Cause Many Truck Accidents

Blind spot accidents are among the most common types of truck accidents. Common does not mean less severe. Anytime you…

Tanker Truck Accidents

Every day, scores of large tanker trucks travel on roads across the country. Many of these trucks transport hazardous materials…

What Happens When Unqualified Truck Drivers Crash?

Trucking companies have a duty to hire and retain only skilled, experienced, and qualified drivers to operate their trucks. When…

Truck Mechanical Failures

When trucks and truck parts malfunction on area roadways, serious accidents can result. Truck mechanical failure may be the fault…

Falling Cargo Accidents

Truck drivers and the trucking companies employing them are responsible for safely loading and unloading cargo onto their trucks. Moreover,…

Types of Truck Accidents

Even though semi-trucks are necessary for transporting the goods Americans need and use every day, they are quite dangerous on…

Causes of Truck Accidents

Although semi-trucks and other large trucks are necessary to our supply chain and the American way of life, they pose…

How to Hire the Best Truck Accident Lawyer in Florida

Transporting products in the United States is big business. Thousands of commercial vehicles, including semi-tractor trailers, travel interstate I-75, Florida…

How Long Do You Have to File a Claim for a Truck Accident?

Personal injury lawyers often remind you to file your truck accident claim before the statute of limitations expires. There is…