Motorcycle crashes can turn your life upside down. One moment you’re enjoying the open road, and the next, you’re dealing with injuries, medical bills, and pushy insurance companies. It’s a lot to handle on your own, especially when you’re trying to recover.

That’s where a motorcycle accident lawyer comes in. A good lawyer will fight for your rights, handle the complex paperwork, and work to get you the money you deserve.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident and are unsure about your legal options, contact Steven A. Bagen & Associates, P.A. today at (800) 800-2575 for a free consultation to discuss your case and potential compensation.


What Makes Motorcycle Accident Claims So Tricky

motorcycle accident victim visiting lawyer for advice on insurance

Motorcycle accidents involve many factors that need careful investigation. Here are key aspects to consider:

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents often happen due to:

  • Excessive Speed: Fast riding increases crash severity and cuts reaction time.
  • Failure to Yield: Many drivers don’t give motorcyclists the right of way when turning or merging.
  • Driver Distraction: Using phones or other distractions can cause accidents.
  • Impaired Driving: Alcohol or drugs affect judgment and reactions.
  • Unsafe Lane Changes: Not checking blind spots or signaling can lead to collisions.

Common Motorcycle Crash Injuries

Motorcyclists often suffer severe injuries due to limited protection:

  • Brain Trauma: Even helmeted riders can get serious head injuries.
  • Spinal Damage: Can cause partial or full paralysis.
  • Broken Bones: Often in arms and legs.
  • Road Rash: Severe skin scrapes that may get infected.
  • Internal Injuries: Blunt force can damage organs.

Types of Motorcycle Accidents

Understanding accident types shows when legal help is crucial:

  • Head-On Crashes: Often deadly, usually when a vehicle crosses lanes.
  • Rear-End Collisions: Happen when cars follow too closely.
  • Side-Swipes: Occur when cars change lanes without seeing motorcycles.
  • Left-Turn Accidents: Common at intersections when cars turn into oncoming motorcycles.

Types of Damages You Can Claim

After an accident, you may claim two types of damages:

  • Economic Damages: Measurable losses like:
    • Medical bills
    • Rehab costs
    • Lost wages
    • Motorcycle repair or replacement
  • Non-Economic Damages: Less tangible losses such as:
    • Pain and suffering
    • Emotional distress
    • Reduced life enjoyment
    • Impact on relationships

In some severe cases, your lawyer may recommend pursuing punitive damages. These apply in cases involving:

  • Gross Negligence or Recklessness: The at-fault party’s actions were not just negligent but showed a reckless disregard for the safety of others. This includes excessive speeding, driving under the influence, or deliberate violations of traffic laws.
  • Intentional Misconduct: The at-fault party’s actions were intentional and meant to cause harm or demonstrate a blatant disregard for human life.
  • Egregious Conduct: The behavior was so outrageous and unacceptable that it warrants punishment beyond simple compensation. This can include hit-and-run incidents or instances where the at-fault party was involved in criminal activities leading to the accident.

Punitive damages compensate the victim and punish the wrongdoer and deter similar conduct.

Challenges Victims May Face

Motorcycle accident victims often struggle with:

  • Biker Bias: People often assume motorcyclists are reckless.
  • Severe Injuries: Less protection means worse injuries.
  • Complicated Fault: Determining who’s responsible can be tricky.
  • Insurance Hurdles: Insurance companies often try to pay less, making claims harder.

How a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help You

An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can greatly improve your claim’s outcome. Here’s what they do:

Investigation and Evidence Gathering 

Your lawyer builds a strong case by:

  • Collecting Proof: Getting police reports, medical records, witness accounts, and anything else relevant to the case.
  • Using Experts: Working with accident specialists and doctors for professional insights.
  • Analyzing the Scene: Looking for key evidence like skid marks and traffic camera footage.
  • Recording Damages: Thoroughly documenting all injuries and property damage.

Determining Fault and Liability

Motorcycle accidents often involve complex scenarios where determining fault is unclear. A lawyer can:

  • Piece the Puzzle Together: Use the evidence they collect to paint a complete picture of all the parties involved and how they contributed to the accident.
  • Analyze Contributory Factors: Look into road conditions, weather, and potential mechanical failures.
  • Establish Liability: Determine if other parties, such as vehicle drivers, road maintenance entities, or manufacturers of defective parts, are liable.

Maximizing Compensation 

An experienced lawyer works to get you the most money by:

  • Calculating All Losses: Carefully adding up medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future costs.
  • Tough Negotiating: Pushing hard against insurance companies for fair settlements.
  • Finding All Payment Sources: Looking for multiple ways to get compensation, including suing other responsible parties.

Dealing with Insurance Companies 

Lawyers protect you from insurance company tricks by:

  • Filing Claims Right: Making sure all paperwork is correct and on time.
  • Managing Talks: Handling all communication with insurers to protect your case.
  • Fighting for Fair Pay: Pushing for enough money to cover all your losses.
  • Spotting Tricky Tactics: Recognizing and countering insurance company strategies to pay less.

Going to Court If Needed 

If a fair deal can’t be reached, your lawyer will:

  • Alternative Settlement Methods: Consider taking the case to arbitration or mediation.
  • Start a Lawsuit: Take legal action to bring the case to court.
  • Represent You: Present evidence, question witnesses, and argue your case to the judge and jury.
  • Aim for Top Compensation: Work to win the most money possible for all your losses.

Giving You Peace of Mind 

Dealing with an accident is stressful. Your lawyer helps by:

  • Reducing Worry: Handling all legal issues so you can focus on getting better.
  • Giving Clear Advice: Keeping you informed and explaining what’s happening with your case.
  • Being Your Champion: Fighting for your rights and best interests throughout the whole process.

Factors to Consider When Hiring a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Choosing the right lawyer is the most important decision you will make for your case. Here’s what to look for:

Experience and Track Record 

Find a lawyer who knows motorcycle accident cases well:

  • Years in the Field: Lawyers who’ve worked on many bike crash cases understand the unique challenges.
  • Track Record: Look for a lawyer with a good record of successful settlements and court wins.

Resources and Communication 

A well-equipped law firm can draw on their vast resources to fight for you. Consider the following:

  • Expert Connections: They should be able to bring in accident specialists and medical experts.
  • Strong Team: A good support staff helps manage your case efficiently.
  • Clear Talkers: Choose a lawyer who explains things well and keeps you updated.

Fee Structures 

Most motorcycle accident lawyers work on a “no win, no fee” basis:

  • Contingency Fees: You only pay if you win, usually 33-40% of your compensation.
  • No Upfront Costs: You shouldn’t have to pay anything to start your case.
  • Extra Expenses: Ask about any additional costs like filing fees or medical record charges.

Questions to Ask 

When you meet a lawyer, ask:

  • How many motorcycle cases have you handled?
  • Can you share some of your past results?
  • How will you keep me informed about my case?
  • What exactly will I pay, and when?
  • What’s your plan for my case?

Remember, you’re hiring someone to fight for you. Make sure you feel comfortable with their experience, approach, and communication style.

Laws and Regulations for Motorcycle Accidents in Florida

Florida’s No-Fault Insurance Law

Florida’s no-fault insurance system requires drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance, which covers medical expenses and lost wages regardless of fault. However, this does not extend to motorcyclists. 

Motorcyclists must seek compensation directly from the at-fault party through a personal injury lawsuit. This distinction significantly influences the legal process and strategy for motorcycle accident claims.

Comparative Negligence Rule

Comparative Negligence

Florida uses a pure comparative negligence rule. This rule affects compensation when you’re partly at fault for an accident. The process is as follows:

  • Determination of Fault: The court assesses the degree of fault.
  • Reduction of Compensation: Your compensation is reduced by your fault percentage.


  • If you are found 20% at fault in a motorcycle accident and your total damages are $100,000, you will receive $80,000 (reduced by 20%).

This rule allows for compensation even if you are mostly at fault, though the amount decreases with greater fault. A skilled lawyer can help minimize your fault percentage to maximize compensation.

Statute of Limitations

In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is two years from the accident date. Missing this deadline results in losing the right to seek compensation. Given the time needed to gather evidence, consult with experts, and build a strong case, it is essential to secure legal representation promptly.

Helmet Laws and Impact on Claims

Florida law allows motorcyclists over 21 to ride without a helmet if they carry at least $10,000 in medical insurance coverage for crash injuries. However, not wearing a helmet can complicate claims:

  • Defense Argument: The defense might argue that your injuries were worse due to not wearing a helmet.
  • Potential Reduction: This can lead to a reduction in the compensation amount.

An experienced lawyer can navigate these nuances and advocate for your full recovery despite these complications.

Florida’s frequent rain and hurricane seasons create unique hazards for motorcyclists. Challenges include:

  • Wet Roads: Increased risk of slipping and losing control.
  • Reduced Visibility: Poor visibility during heavy rain or storms.
  • Debris: Storms can leave debris on roads, leading to accidents.

Determining liability in weather-related accidents can be complex. An experienced lawyer can help establish how weather conditions contributed to the crash and pursue appropriate compensation.

Road Conditions and Government Liability

Poor road conditions can lead to motorcycle accidents. Common issues include:

  • Potholes
  • Inadequate Signage
  • Construction Debris

When a government entity responsible for road maintenance fails to address these hazards, they can be held liable. Pursuing such a claim involves Florida-specific procedures and timelines, making it essential to have a knowledgeable lawyer.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Given the high number of uninsured drivers in Florida, motorcyclists should have uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage. This coverage helps when the at-fault driver lacks sufficient insurance. A lawyer can assist in:

  • Navigating UM/UIM Claims: Ensuring you receive maximum compensation.
  • Maximizing Compensation: Exploring all possible avenues for recovery.

Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Motorcycle Accident

Certain actions can compromise your case. Make sure to avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Signing Documents Without Legal Review: Do not sign any documents, especially from insurance companies, without consulting your lawyer. Insurance companies often try to settle quickly and for less than you deserve. Your lawyer can review and negotiate the terms to protect your rights.
  • Posting on Social Media: Avoid posting anything on social media, even stuff unrelated to the accident. Opposing parties and insurance companies can use your posts to undermine your claim or suggest you are not as injured as you claim to be.
  • Negotiating Alone with Insurance Adjusters: Insurance adjusters aim to minimize payouts; having a lawyer handle negotiations ensures you receive fair compensation. Lawyers understand the tactics used by insurance companies and can advocate effectively on your behalf.
  • Neglecting Medical Advice: Follow all medical advice and attend all follow-up appointments to document the extent of your injuries. If you do not, opposing parties can use this to argue you are not as injured as you say you are.

Get Help for Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Choosing the right legal representation is pivotal to the success of your motorcycle accident case. At Steven A. Bagen & Associates, P.A., we have a proven track record of effectively managing complex motorcycle accident claims. Our extensive experience and resources allow us to secure maximum compensation for our clients.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, don’t face the legal challenges alone. Contact the personal injury lawyers from Steven A. Bagen & Associates, P.A. at (800) 800-2575 for a free consultation to discuss your case and explore your options for compensation.