A car accident can be a traumatic and costly event. Beyond the immediate concern of physical injury and vehicle damage, you must consider financial implications, such as how the accident might influence your car insurance premium.

While every situation is unique, it is common for insurance rates to increase following an accident. The specifics of how much your car insurance might go up depend on various factors.

After a motor vehicle accident, contact an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible. They can review the complexities of the process and explain potential outcomes, including how the accident could influence your insurance.

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How Much Does Car Insurance Increase After a Crash? 

Car insurance premiums can increase as much as 50 percent after an accident. Depending on the circumstances, even those not responsible for the crash can see a spike in their insurance premiums. 

The impact of the accident on your insurance rate can vary according to the state where the accident happened and the extent of the damage it caused. For instance, certain insurance companies offer accident forgiveness, which means that certain types of accidents will not increase a motorist’s premium. 

Factors That Can Influence How Much Your Car Insurance Increases After a Motor Vehicle Accident

In addition to the location of the accident and the extent of the damages, several other factors can also influence how much your automobile insurance will go up after a crash, including:

  • Your overall driving record.
  • Your insurance provider.
  • Your claims history.

Knowing about these factors and understanding how they might influence your insurance premium can help you find ways to lower your rate, even following an accident. 

How Long Will an Accident Increase Your Insurance Rates? 

How long an accident will increase your insurance rates depends on many factors, including the severity of the crash, the laws in your state, and your insurance provider.

Car insurance rate increases typically last three to five years. In some cases, though, the increase could be permanent. To understand the implications for your car insurance following an accident, speak with an experienced motor vehicle accident lawyer. They can review the details of your situation, explain potential outcomes, and describe how the insurance company may react after an accident. 

How Does a Car Insurance Claim Work? 

Understanding how car insurance claims work can be crucial in navigating the post-accident landscape. When you report an accident to your insurance company, they will assign an adjuster to investigate the incident, review your policy, and determine what it covers. The adjuster’s responsibilities include assessing vehicle damage and potential liability and calculating how much the insurance company should pay.

Remember that the insurance adjuster represents the insurance company not you. After an accident, the insurance company will not willingly pay the money you need.

Their goal is to make a profit. The less they need to pay you, the more money they make. That is why speaking with an experienced car accident attorney before dealing with the insurance company can help your legal claim. 

Negotiating With Insurance Companies

Insurance companies usually aim to settle claims quickly and pay as little as possible. This can make the negotiation process challenging, especially while you are dealing with your recovery.

A skilled legal professional can protect your rights. These lawyers can present a compelling case on your behalf, backed by evidence, to ensure that the settlement reflects the compensation you deserve.

Reducing Your Car Insurance Rates After a Motor Vehicle Accident

If you notice an increase in your car insurance premiums after a motor vehicle accident, you may wonder what might lower these high insurance rates. There are things you can do, fortunately. Here are some examples:

Shop Around for New Insurance 

Your car insurance rates may have increased due to an accident, but that does not mean that you must stay with the same company. Comparison shopping for car insurance can assist you in finding better rates even discounts. Use online comparison services to get quotes from multiple companies. You may find a better insurance rate with a different company, and you can switch to a different insurer if necessary.

Consider Reducing Your Coverage

If your car insurance rates are too high, you may want to reduce your coverage. This is not advisable if you are leasing or financing your vehicle, as the lender may require full coverage. Consider the risks of reducing coverage; many states have laws requiring specific types of coverage. 

Determine if You Qualify for Discounts  

Many insurance providers offer discounts that could help reduce your rates. They may provide cheaper rates for responsible drivers, those who have purchased multiple policies, or members of partner organizations. Research the discounts that your provider offers as well as competitors’ discounts. 

Increase Your Deductible 

Raising your deductible on your car insurance policy can help reduce your premium. This involves increasing the amount of money you pay before your insurance company pays for the remaining balance. This could mean more risk for you, so only do this if you know you can manage the higher deductible. 

Role of a Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer in a Car Accident Case

After a car accident, you may find yourself facing an intimidating array of paperwork, complex legal terms, and difficult negotiations with insurance companies. A motor vehicle accident lawyer is a professional who has experience navigating these waters, offering guidance, and advocating for your rights. More specifically, these attorneys can:

Investigate and Collect Evidence

In any legal case, evidence is the cornerstone of building a strong argument. For car accidents, evidence can include photographs from the scene, witness testimonies, police reports, and medical records. Your car accident lawyer can gather all this relevant evidence, arrange it comprehensively, and use it to build a robust case on your behalf.

Communicate With You About Your Case

Having a best lawyer on your side means that you have an experienced legal professional representing your interests. They complete necessary communications, dealing with insurance companies, opposing defendants, and even the court if your case goes to trial. They understand the law to ensure that a case conveys your interests, addresses your concerns, and safeguards your rights.

Filing legal paperwork after an accident can seem like decoding a foreign language. The process often involves legal jargon and complex filing procedures, and any misstep could be detrimental to your case. Here, your lawyer’s role becomes indispensable. They know the intricacies of the legal system and handle all necessary documentation on your behalf, letting you focus on your recovery.

Pursue the Financial Recovery You Deserve 

Your lawyer can also fight for the financial recovery you deserve. You may be dealing with significant losses and expenses after a car accident.

A lawyer will continue to protect your rights and pursue the financial compensation you need to move forward, including payment for the following losses: 

  • Medical bills related to hospital stays, doctor visits, prescription medications, surgeries, assistive medical devices, and therapy.
  • Lost income and reduced earning capacity.
  • Ongoing medical treatments.
  • Personal property losses, such as car replacement or repair expenses.
  • Physical pain and suffering.
  • Mental anguish.
  • Loss of companionship.
  • Loss of quality and enjoyment of life.
  • Humiliation and inconvenience due to the injuries involved.

A skilled motor vehicle accident attorney can determine which of these damages you can pursue and assist you in getting every dollar you deserve. 

It is important to remember that there are specific legal deadlines for filing injury claims. If you wait too long, you may not be able to pursue the financial recovery you need. The statutes of limitations differ depending on the state and the type of claim the plaintiff is bringing. In addition, there may be exceptions that apply to this law that can extend the deadline to file the case.

Call an experienced motor vehicle accident lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you do not miss your legal filing window. They can discern how much time you have to take legal action and prepare and file the necessary documentation promptly.

Engaging a motor vehicle accident lawyer in a car accident case goes beyond having someone to represent you in court. They offer skilled guidance that illuminates the path through a complex legal landscape, working tirelessly to ensure you get the fair treatment you deserve.

How to Choose a Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

Choosing the right motor vehicle accident lawyer can significantly benefit your case. It is advisable to consider factors such as experience especially with car accident cases reputation, client reviews, and the lawyer’s fee structure before making this critical decision. 

When you meet with a lawyer for the first time, you should ask them about their approach to your case, their experience with similar cases, and the potential outcomes. An initial consultation, usually free, can help you gauge whether a lawyer is a good fit for your needs.

Contact an Experienced Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney Today 

Steven A. Bagen Attorney for Motor Vehicle Accident Cases near Gainesville, Florida area
Steven A. Bagen, Car Accident Lawyer in Gainesville, Florida area

After a car accident, contact a motor vehicle accident attorney to discuss your circumstances. A consultation will provide you with the opportunity to comprehend what specific legal options are available to you, the potential outcomes, and how your lawyer can assist you during this difficult time. 

You need not walk the journey following a car accident alone; your lawyer is there to guide you every step of the way. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney in Gainesville, FL today to review your case for free.